NOTE ON GOOGLE CALENDAR: Google has recently placed a requirement for vendors to become "Approved" apps along with gaining your permission to access. This is a fairly extensive process which will take some time to complete, so you will receive warnings or failure currently.

When creating follow-up actions, you can have the +plus system automatically sync the event with your Google or Outlook calendar.  After entering in the details of the follow-up, click "Save" and a dialogue will pop-up.

Choose the application you wish to sync the follow-up action. 


If you are currently logged in to a Google account the action will automatically be added to your default calendar. If you are not currently logged in, Google will pop-up an authentication dialogue. Once you are verified, the action will be added to your calendar. Please note that this will require that you allow pop-ups for

Outlook / ICalendar

After selecting Outlook, an .ics file will automatically be downloaded to your browser. Either open the file or save it to your local drive and open the file to save it to your Outlook or ICalendar.