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Getting Started with Your GeoLeads

The my +plus leads Neighborhood Data provides you with the most powerful and accurate real estate farming tool available. Used for Just Listed and Just Sold notifications, invitations to Open Houses, or building your brand, you are only moments away from having the most current contact information available for homeowners.

Logging Into the Portal

Navigate to and enter your email address and password. If you do not know your password, there is a recovery tool available on the login page.

Confirming Your Coverage Area

Your account is centered around the "Base Zip Code" provided at account activation. Your search territory will be a 50 mile radius around this base zip code. To confirm your coverage area, click on Options/Preferences->Default Coverage. At the top of the screen you will see your base zip code followed by the entire set of zip codes covered by your radius. If you wish to adjust your base zip code, please contact Customer Support by clicking on the "Support" tab on the left side of the screen and opening a ticket.

Creating a New Search

You can initialize a new search based upon a specific address or by using the free-form drawing tool supplied directly on the map. An address based map uses a starting address, such as a Just Listed, Just Sold, or Open House property that you want to promote and automatically draws a radius to encompass surrounding properties. Alternatively, the free-form tool allows you create custom shapes to define specific neighborhoods.

  • Click on "Leads -> Neighborhood Data - > Search"

Using a Starting Address

  • Begin to type the desired address in the "Starting Address" bar
  • The application will begin to display matching address
  • Click on the desired address from the drop-down
  • Enter the search radius from .01 to 2 miles
  • Click "Generate List"

Using the Free-Form Tool

  • Click on the map, starting with a border point for the custom area you want to define
  • Draw a line to the next border point and click the mouse at the end to set a new anchor
  • Continue to draw and set anchors around your desired area
  • Bring the final line back to the starting anchor, the shape is completed when the inner area of the polygon becomes shaded
  • Click "Generate List"

Alternatively, you can choose the circle or radius tool and place a manual radius anywhere on the coverage map. After clicking "Generate List", you will be redirected to the data list in either List or Map view.

Working with Filters

Create custom lists using the Neighborhood Data filters. Target only homes built before or after a specific year, owners who have been in their home for a set date of time, or identify Non-owner Occupied properties.

The system aggregates information from public records, however, not all values are available for every property. The "Include empty values", allows you to determine whether we include properties where we are unable to determine a specific value that you are using to filter.

Working with the Neighborhood Data Lists

After submitting your query the list will automatically be generated and you will be redirected to the summaryl page. If you are subscribed to the premium look-up service, the first five records will automatically be appended and the data added to the list.

Saving Your List

If you are satisfied with the query, you will first want to save your list for future use. You may do so by entering in a unique name in the "Enter list name" text box and click "Save List". You will also be prompted to save the list after navigating away from the list view. After saving your list, it will be available under "Leads -> Neighborhood Data -> Lists".

Understanding the Summary View

Contact Name    TextConsumer record matched to the property. This initial value represents the most recently identified tenant of the property regardless of ownership.
AddressTextStreet Address, City, and State of the property.
ZipNumericThe Zip Code for the property.
Owner AddressTextThe full address of the owner of the property derived from local tax information
Directory Assistance    Phone Number411 phone number for the consumer contact
Contact 1 and Contact 2Text, Phone, EmailOwner Name, Phone Number, and Email for owner of the property
Full ReportLinkClick to see additional details and save notes about each record. Initiates real-time augmentation for Premium users.
Icon    Click on this icon to remove a specific number from the record. After selecting a disposition for the number it will be crossed out in all future reporting ensuring you will not make future attempts to the number.
IconDesignates phone is a "Landline".
IconDesignates phone is "Mobile".
IconDesignates phone is on the Do Not Call List